UNDP副総裁ゼフリン・ディアブレが来日 UNDP Associate Adminstrator Zephirin Diabre visits UNDP Tokyo
橋本龍太郎元内閣総理大臣、ゼフリン・ディアブレUNDP副総裁と弓削昭子UNDP駐日代表の会談 Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto, Former Prime Minister and Member of the House of Representatives; Mr. Zephirin Diabre, UNDP Associate Administrator; and Ms Akiko Yuge, UNDP Tokyo Office Director
ゼフリン・ディアブレUNDP副総裁と中野良子 オイスカ会長との対談 Discussions with Ms Yoshiko Nakano, Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement (OISCA-International) President
ゼフリン・ディアブレUNDP副総裁と植竹繁雄外務副大臣との対談 Mr. Zephirin Diabre meets with Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Shigeo Uetake
Mr. Zephirin Diabre speaks at Africa Day 2002: Integrating Africa - Regional Integration and Infrastructure Development in Africa 2002年アフリカデー記念シンポジアム 「アフリカの統合-アフリカの置ける地域的統合とインフラ開発」にて基調講演を行なう